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Privacy Policy



This Privacy Policy sets out the key principles by which we safeguard and secure your privacy when you use JIV Tech Oy's services.


In this Privacy Statement, the word "Application" refers to the Order-It application developed by JIV Tech Oy. In this Privacy Policy, the word "User" refers to a consumer user, and the word "Business User" refers to a business that has adopted the service developed by JIV Tech Oy.


JIV Tech Oy reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy as it sees fit. We will not make significant changes without notifying the User or Business User.




This Privacy Policy applies to the processing of personal data by the Order-It application developed by JIV Tech Oy. This Privacy Policy applies only to the processing of personal data where JIV Tech Oy is the controller.





JIV Tech Oy


Business ID: 3381345-4


Address: Viestikatu 8, 90130 Oulu


E-mail address:





We process personal data only to the extent necessary and appropriate for the specific purpose of the processing. The personal data we collect and process can be divided into two general categories: user data and usage data.


User information


User Data is personal information collected on a case-by-case basis either directly from you or from our customer organization on whose behalf you are using JIV Tech Oy services ("Customer Organization"). We may collect User Data from our Users and Customer Organizations in a variety of ways, including after entering into a service agreement with a Customer Organization or when Users register for a JIV Tech Oy service, subscribe to a newsletter or fill out a form. Please also note that we also collect information about transactions and payments you make through the JIV Tech Oy services.


User information necessary to use the JIV Tech Oy Services


The following personal data we collect and process is necessary for the proper performance of the contract between you and us and for our legitimate interests in fulfilling our contractual obligations to our customer organizations and to comply with our legal obligations.



When you register for the JIV Tech Oy's service and create a user account, you must provide us with the following information:


  • your phone number

  • location information (if you consent to the processing of your location data),

  • ​

The user information you provide to us voluntarily and when using the JIV Tech Oy's services


Your user or customer experience can be improved by providing us with the following information.


Additional account information:


  • Image

  • full name

  • Email address

  • Your payment information, such as your payment instrument number and the expiry date of your payment instrument (required for ordering food and other products through JIV Tech Oy's services, but not retained by JIV Tech Oy because JIV Tech Oy uses a third-party payment service provider to process payments),

  • delivery address

  • Partner-specific bonus card or participation in any other loyalty program, if applicable in your country

  • when ordering age-restricted goods: age, and other information you provide either when you create your account or later when you edit your account profile.


Other information. We may also process other information that you voluntarily provide, such as:


  • Information relating to orders you place through the JIV Tech Oy's Services (for example, products purchased, special instructions, date and time of order, total order amount and other order history)

  • information you provide when submitting reviews, comments or responding to inquiries

  • favourite restaurants or retailers and other preferences

  • marketing consents and opt-outs; and

  • information you provide by telephone, email or chat correspondence with us, including call recordings of your calls with our customer service team.



In addition to the User Data we collect from you and the Customer Organisation, we process certain personal data that third party service providers provide about you. For example, for business customers, we may process information about the company's contact person to enable communication and marketing with the company and to manage the customer relationship. Such information is primarily obtained from public sources, such as local business registers, companies providing such information services, or directly from the companies themselves.


If your order includes products or services that may refer to your health or other sensitive (special categories of personal data) personal information, JIV Tech Oy needs to process this information in order to provide you with JIV Tech Oy services. In addition to the content of the order, the processing may also include, for example, prescription data in the case of prescription medicines. JIV Tech Oy has specific safeguards that may apply in accordance with applicable laws and regulations governing the processing of such personal data. Where required by applicable laws, JIV Tech Oy will seek separate consent for the processing of such personal data and you may withdraw your consent at any time through your profile settings or by contacting JIV Tech Oy support at


If you connect or log in to your account via Facebook, Facebook will share your personal information with us, including your profile picture, a sample of your Facebook friends and your Facebook ID.  Where JIV Tech Oy operates a page on Facebook, both JIV Tech Oy and Facebook are joint controllers of your personal data in this regard. For more information on the processing of personal data on Facebook, please refer to Meta's Privacy Policy.



Usage data


Usage Data is generated from the User's interaction with JIV Tech Oy services. Although we do not generally use Usage Data to identify you as an individual, in certain circumstances you may be identified from it, either individually or in combination with or linked to User Data. In such circumstances, Usage Data may also be considered Personal Data under applicable laws, and we will treat such information as Personal Data.


We may automatically collect the following Usage Data when you visit or interact with JIV Tech Oy services:


  • Information describing your device or browser and JIV Tech Oy's application, their versions, features, capabilities and settings.

  • Information about your operator, Internet Service Provider and network connection type, including your IP address.

  • Identifiers provided by your device or third parties to application providers or advertisers, or identifiers we create ourselves.

  • Location information at country, region, time zone and geo-IP level.

  • Where you followed a link to JIV Tech Ltd services and links you followed from JIV Tech Oy services.

  • Information about your interaction with and use of JIV Tech Ltd services. This includes, for example, usage patterns, what features you use, advertising, participation in specific promotions and offers, and interactions and subscription information.

  • Information for tracking and reporting on transactions initiated by our advertising partners, including timestamps and tags as mentioned above.


For more information on managing advertising and analytics tags on your device, see below under "Cookies and other technologies".



Cookies and other technologies


We use various technologies, including cookies, website data storage and the use of network and application telemetry, to collect and store usage data and other information when Users visit JIV Tech Oy services.


Cookies and other website information stored on your device allow us to identify visitors to JIV Tech Oy services and facilitate your use of JIV Tech Oy services and to create aggregate information about our visitors. This helps us to improve the JIV Tech Oy Services and better serve our Users. Cookies and other website data will not harm your device or your files. We use cookies and other website data to tailor the JIV Tech Oy services and information we provide to the individual interests of our Users. Please note that the various cookies have a limited retention period, ranging from less than one minute to permanent or until an individual cookie is deleted.


Users can choose to set their web browser to refuse cookies. For example, the following links provide information on how to set cookie and other web information preferences in some popular browsers:


  • Apple's Safari

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Mozilla Firefox


Please note that some parts of the JIV Tech Oy service may not function properly if cookies are disabled.


JIV Tech Oy services use pseudonymous identifiers to track and predict the usage and preferences of your application and service. JIV Tech Oy also uses session-specific third-party tracking technologies to confirm and report transactions initiated by its advertising partners.


You can manage your cookie settings through the cookie banner on our websites.


You can also manage your communication and other privacy settings through the Order-It app.

You can disable Order-It visitor tags on iOS and Android mobile devices by changing your device settings (iOS: Settings à Order-It à Order-It Settings à Limit tracking and Android: Order-It app à Profile button à Settings icon in the top right corner).


In general, ad tags can be disabled on iOS mobile devices by unchecking the "Custom Ads" setting (Settings → Privacy & Security → Apple Advertising → Custom Ads). For an overview and more information on ad tags, see Apple's advertising and privacy website.


JIV Tech Oy uses various third-party analytics and telemetry providers, marketing and affiliate partners, and other services integrated with our client software, listed below:




Name: Firebase

Provider: Firebase

Purpose: Mobile and web application development platform





Name: Stripe, Inc.

Provider: Stripe, Inc.

Purpose: Payment transaction service



Please note that not all of the above services are necessarily used all the time or in all markets.





We process personal data only to the extent necessary and appropriate for the specific processing purposes. Please note that the processing may be based on one or more of the following purposes and statutory bases.


Firstly, JIV Tech Oy processes your personal data to fulfill its contractual obligations towards you or a Customer organization, for example, to the extent necessary to:


  • provide JIV Tech Oy's services to you in accordance with the contract between you and JIV Tech or between the Customer organization and JIV Tech;

  • execute the contract between you and JIV Tech Oy, manage and deliver your orders, and communicate any significant changes related to terms, privacy policies, or other contract-related matters;

  • process your payments or any refunds (where applicable) and provide our partners (restaurants, resellers, and our courier partners, hereinafter also referred to as "Partner") with the information needed for preparing or delivering your order; and

  • respond to your inquiries or resolve your support cases if you contact us.


Secondly, we may process your personal data when there is a legitimate interest (i.e., a justified reason) for conducting, maintaining, and developing our business or establishing and maintaining customer relationships. When we decide to process your data based on our legitimate interests, we balance our interests against your right to privacy, for example, by providing you with an easy way to opt-out of our marketing communications and using pseudonymized or non-personally identifiable information whenever possible. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data based on a legitimate interest. However, JIV Tech Oy may refuse such an objection in accordance with applicable law, for instance, if processing is necessary for the preparation, presentation, or defense of legal claims.



We process your personal data based on a legitimate interest, for example, for:


  • the processing of receivables, collection, and legal processes. We may also process information to prevent fraud and misuse of our services, and for information, system, and network security and safety;

  • contacting you regarding JIV Tech Oy's services and notifying you of changes related to them or asking for a review or feedback on JIV Tech Oy's services;

  • marketing JIV Tech Oy's services to you or showing you targeted or personalized ads through Order-It services or otherwise sending you targeted marketing about services or products that might interest you. To form such a target audience, we may process information listed above under Usage Data. Please note that if applicable law requires, the processing of personal data for marketing purposes is based on your consent (see also "Direct Marketing" below);

  • improving the quality of JIV Tech Oy's services and developing our business, for example, by analyzing trends in the use of JIV Tech Oy's services by processing information related to your use of JIV Tech Oy's services;

  • ensuring that our services meet your needs, your personal data may be processed, for example, in customer satisfaction surveys. Whenever possible, we do this using only aggregated and anonymized, non-personally identifiable information;

  • processing your data within JIV Tech Oy in accordance with this privacy statement.

  • In providing the Order-It service to you and for the other purposes mentioned above, we may use automated means in processing, which may include automated decision-making.


Furthermore, we may process your personal data to manage and fulfill our legal obligations. This includes information processed to comply with our accounting obligations and providing information to relevant authorities, such as tax authorities or law enforcement agencies, as required by compelling statutory obligations.


In some parts of JIV Tech Oy's services, you may be asked to give your consent to the processing of personal data. For example, in the Order-It application, you can manage your marketing and other permissions. If the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you can withdraw it at any time by contacting us or changing the relevant consent setting, for example, in the Order-It application.






JIV Tech Oy primarily stores your personal data within the European Economic Area. However, we have service providers, operations, and group companies in various geographical regions. Therefore, we and our service providers may transfer your personal data or process it in countries outside of the European Economic Area or the User's home country.


We ensure through appropriate actions that the Users' personal data receive sufficient protection. We ensure proper and sufficient protection for the transfer of personal data to countries outside of the European Economic Area through agreements with our service providers based on standard contractual clauses or other appropriate protective measures.


For more information about the transfer of personal data, please contact us at any of the addresses mentioned above.






We share your personal data within the organization of JIV Tech Oy only if and to the extent that it is reasonably necessary for the purposes of this Privacy Statement.


We do not share your personal data with external third parties outside the organization of JIV Tech Oy unless one of the following conditions is met:



For the purposes set out in this privacy statement and to authorized service providers


To the extent that third parties (such as restaurants preparing your order, merchants or resellers, our courier partners delivering your order, and possibly the customer organization paying for your order) need access to personal data in order to provide Order It services or for other lawful reasons, we will share your information with such third parties. For example, we may share your phone number with a Partner preparing your order if it is necessary, for instance, to ask you if you accept a substitute product in your order, or to inform you that a product is missing from your order, or to obtain specific clarifications otherwise.


Furthermore, we may give your personal data to authorized service providers who perform services for us (including data storage, accounting, analytics, sales and marketing, and fraud prevention) so that they can process it on our behalf, and to payment service providers so they can process payments made to us.


When third parties process information on behalf of JIV Tech Oy, JIV Tech Oy has taken appropriate contractual and administrative measures to ensure that your data is processed exclusively for the purposes defined in this privacy statement and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as our instructions and appropriate confidentiality and security obligations.


Please remember that if you directly provide personal data to a third party, for example, through a link in Order-It services, processing typically bases on the practices and terms of that third party.



With partners to implement Order-It services


To the extent that third parties, such as partners preparing, selling and/or delivering your order, our courier partners delivering your order, and possibly the customer organization paying for your order, need access to personal data in order to perform Order-It services, we will share your information with such third parties.


We provide personal data to the Partner and, where applicable, its parent company or franchising operator necessary for completing your order. Depending on the role of the Partner, this may include your name, delivery address, and details related to your purchase, including the venue details, order number, order and delivery time, delivery method, ordered products, comments, and feedback you have provided about the order. This information is shared so that the Partner can prepare the order, including, where applicable, picking up products from the store, ensuring the quality of the service and product selection available in the Partner's Order-It application, and complying with the Partner's legal obligations. When the Partner processes such data to fulfill its rights and obligations, such as its legal obligations towards you, the Partner is an independent data controller and responsible for the legality of its processing activities.


You may be able to add your Partner-specific loyalty card or membership program details to the Order-It service, so you can link orders made to the Partner to the relevant loyalty program according to the terms set by the Partner. JIV Tech Oy shares this information with the respective Partner, and the Partner is an independent data controller and thus responsible for ensuring the legality of processing.


We may also share your phone number and name with the Partner preparing your order if it is necessary, for example, to ask you if you accept a substitute product in your order, to inform you that a product is missing from your order, for clarifications of special requests, or other necessary purposes related to executing the order. For deliveries carried out by our merchant partners themselves, we may also share your delivery address and phone number with those partners.



For legal reasons and legal processes


We may share your personal data with external third parties outside of JIV Tech Oy if we assess that access to and use of personal data is reasonably necessary to: (i) comply with any applicable law, regulation, and/or court order; (ii) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, crime, security issues, or technical problems; and/or (iii) protect the interests, property, or safety of Order-It, its users, or others as permitted by law. If possible, we will notify you of such processing.



For other legitimate reasons


If JIV Tech Oy is involved in a merger, acquisition, or asset sale, we may transfer your personal data to a third party. We will still ensure the confidentiality of all personal data. We will notify all relevant users when personal data is transferred in this way to another company or becomes subject to a different privacy policy.



With your explicit consent


We may share your personal data with external third parties outside of JIV Tech Oy with your consent. You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time without charge, for example, by contacting us.





JIV Tech Oy will not retain your personal data for longer than is permitted by law and necessary to provide the Order-It service or essential elements thereof. The retention period depends on the nature of the data and the purposes of the processing. The maximum period may therefore vary depending on the purpose of use.


Once a User has deleted his or her User Account, personal data may only be retained for as long as required by law or reasonably necessary for our legal obligations or legitimate interests, such as claims processing, accounting, internal reporting and reconciliation.


We regularly review the retention period of personal data to ensure that it is kept only for the necessary period.






Right of access to data


You have the right to access and obtain information about the personal data we process about you. You have the option to view certain information directly through your JIV Tech Oy services account or to request a copy of your personal data by contacting us.



Right to withdraw consent


Where processing is based on consent given by the User, the User may withdraw consent at any time free of charge. Withdrawal of consent may result in reduced access to JIV Tech Oy services. Withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of consent prior to its withdrawal.



Right to rectification of data


You have the right to have any inaccurate or incomplete personal data we hold about you corrected or completed by contacting us. You may correct or update some of your personal data directly through your user account on the JIV Tech Oy services.



Right to erasure


You may also ask us to delete your personal data from our systems. We will comply with such a request unless we have a legitimate reason not to.



Right to object to processing


You may have the right to object to certain uses of your personal data if this data is processed for purposes other than the provision of the Order-It service or to comply with a legal obligation. If you object to further processing of your personal data, this may result in reduced access to JIV Tech Oy services.



Right to restriction of processing


You may request us to restrict the processing of your personal data, for example, where requests for erasure, rectification or objection of your data are pending and/or where we do not have a legitimate basis for processing your data. However, this may lead to a reduction in your access to JIV Tech's services.



Right to data portability


You have the right to receive the personal data you provide to us in a structured and commonly used format and to transfer this data independently to a third party.



How to exercise your right


You may exercise the above rights by contacting JIV Tech Oy. support or by sending us a letter or email to the addresses listed above, including the following information: full name, and telephone number. If you are an Order-It user, we recommend that you contact us via Order-It support, as this will allow us to identify you more easily. We may ask you to provide additional information necessary to confirm your identity as a User. We may refuse or charge for requests that are unreasonably repetitive, excessive or manifestly unfounded.






You have the right to object to us using your personal data for direct marketing purposes, market research and profiling for direct marketing purposes by contacting us at the above addresses or by using the functionality of the JIV Tech Order-It service or the unsubscribe option provided in direct marketing messages.





If the User believes that our processing of personal data is in breach of applicable data protection laws, the User may lodge a complaint with the local data protection authority in Finland, ( Alternatively, the User may lodge a complaint with any other local and competent supervisory data protection authority.






We use administrative, organisational, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the personal data we collect and process. These measures include, where appropriate, encryption, pseudonymisation, firewalls, secure facilities and access control systems. Our security controls are designed to maintain appropriate data confidentiality, integrity, availability, resilience and recoverability. We regularly test JIV Tech's services, systems and other assets for security vulnerabilities. In addition, JIV Tech employees' access to personal information is restricted and access to and processing of information is limited to what is necessary to perform the employee's job duties.







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